My Mantra (Nicole-Original)

2m 35s
My Mantra (Nicole-Original)
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My Mantra (Nicole-Original)


My Mantra was originally called Loco Love. Upon realizing the latter was a common song title, Sylvain and I changed Loco to a placeholder, Nicole, which rhymed but then morphed into the song's current title. Nicole, is a fictional person, but it's sung with such passion people think it's autobiographical. Urban legend? Lol. The music is such that only a lyric as such could give it justice, so I wrote it. My Mantra is a song of obsession, compulsion, lust, love, and everything in-between. I had a basic lyric and top line. I had a difficult time harnessing the vibe. It's not my typical type of music to write to. I summoned the right angst, longing, sexuality, and sensuality ( I hope) that most people feel when chemistry and connection is real. It's almost that instinctual survive, procreate, get lost in the heat of sexual animalism and spiritualism (as detected in some of the gospel lyrical content) Anyway, these are my thoughts in hindsight of the genesis. It was the last of 8 songs we recorded in 4 days. We were wondering if we could fit another song in with about an hour left in our tanks. It was incomplete for sure but everything came together effortlessly which is a testament to the synergy of our sessions. Thank you Sylvain for pushing and pulling me to bring out what we think is an honest vocal track. To be sure, I honestly don't care if any of our songs make it anymore. I'm just into putting it our there because it's in here, you know my heart, mind, and spirit. I realize that it's challenging to make it in the music world. I won't stop trying, it's just not a high desire anymore. What is an ultra high desire is to express creativity while having the best opportunity of IP ownership and sharing in a way that others can participate authentically. If it brings a moment of resonance, enjoyment, escape, pleasure, et al, then it's worth it. My Mantra (Nicole) Nicole you’re my mantra Only one I wanna Breathe in my Soul Repeat my secret code Your body makes dizzy Encircle me while spinning I have to drop You never stop Nicole you’re just crazy Oh but you’re my gravy Oh every drop I lick you up Oh I testify You’re my Aphrodite Your love could make me die Oh, Good God almighty I have to dive deep Obsession is not cheap Earn my keep Even with the tears that I weep Nicole you’re my mantra Always gonna have ya From toes to fingertips You’ll feel my lips

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Your Journey Begins Now is a online 'pocket book' manuscript NFT that gives you daily bite size (or swallow the whole thing!) morsels of encouragement, instruction, reflection, and everything else in-between. It's my life's journey of learning that hopefully will help you as it has helped others.

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Your Journey Begins Now manuscript NFT

Your Journey Begins Now is a online 'pocket book' manuscript NFT that gives you daily bite size (or swallow the whole thing!) morsels of encouragement, instruction, reflection, and everything else in-between. It's my life's journey of learning that hopefully will help you as it has helped others.

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