•2m 57s
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In the swirling nebulae of the Andromeda Galaxy, resided the celestial entity known as the Oracle. Its ethereal form, composed of stardust and cosmic energy, held the knowledge of all that ever was, is, and could be. Emperors from across the cosmos sought its wisdom, each desiring answers tailored to their own desires: the tyrant king, yearning for dominance, the benevolent queen, seeking peace, the ambitious explorer, craving the location of uncharted galaxies. However, the Oracle remained impartial. It presented possibilities, not prophecies. It reflected the inherent contradictions and uncertainties woven into the fabric of existence. This frustrated many. The king saw his downfall in the Oracle's visions, the queen found no clear path to peace, and the explorer's map led only to a celestial graveyard. Disgruntled, they accused the Oracle of being flawed, its impartiality a weakness. "Without judgment, how can you guide us?" they cried. The Oracle, its voice echoing through the vastness of space, replied, "I do not guide, I merely show. Judgment is yours, the consequence of your choices. Impartiality allows you to see all sides, to choose wisely, not blindly." A young astronomer, named Elara, arrived with a different question. "Is there a place," she asked, "where the universe reveals its true nature, unfiltered, unjudged?" The Oracle smiled, its stardust shimmering. "Such a place exists," it said, "but it is not for the faint of heart." Elara, fueled by an insatiable curiosity, embarked on a perilous journey. She traversed supernovae, danced through black holes, and navigated the treacherous currents of dark matter. Finally, she reached the Edge - a boundary between the known and the unknown, a swirling vortex of pure energy. Gazing into the void, Elara felt overwhelmed. It was chaos, beauty, terror, and tranquility all at once. She understood then that the universe itself was impartial. It nurtured life and birthed destruction, held order and embraced chaos. Returning to her world, Elara became a beacon of understanding. She preached the importance of embracing the universe's contradictions, of seeing the beauty in diverse perspectives. No longer did people seek absolute answers, but rather, learned to navigate the complexities of existence with open minds and open hearts. The story of Elara and the Oracle became a legend, a reminder that the universe is a grand tapestry woven with threads of light and dark, order and chaos. Impartiality, once seen as a weakness, became the key to truly understanding its magnificent, ever-evolving dance. And as the stars twinkled in the endless darkness, a silent message echoed: the greatest wisdom lies not in knowing the answer, but in embracing the question.

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Golden Egg

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