3m 46s
golden egg image

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The battered freighter coughed its final spluttering breaths before succumbing to the crushing gravity of a gas giant. Elara, Kai, and Anya clung to an escape pod, hurtling towards the unknown surface of a nearby moon. Their mission to Nexus had been a disaster, their reputation in tatters, and their resources depleted. This desolate moon was their only hope, a rumored haven for smugglers and outcasts, where they could disappear and regroup. As they crash-landed, they were met not by hostile scavengers, but by a lone figure cloaked in swirling, iridescent robes. "Welcome, travelers," the figure boomed, its voice echoing with an unearthly power. "I have been expecting you." Intrigued and wary, Elara followed the figure through labyrinthine caves, the air thick with an alien energy that prickled at her fingertips. Finally, they reached a vast chamber, its walls adorned with constellations unknown to her. In the center stood a towering structure unlike anything she had ever seen – a colossal telephone booth, pulsating with an inner light. "This is your gateway," the figure declared, gesturing towards the booth. "It will take you where you need to go, but be warned, the journey is fraught with peril." Elara, her curiosity outweighing her fear, approached the booth. Its door hummed with an otherworldly energy. Suddenly, the figure grabbed her wrist. "Wait!" it cried. "There is one last thing you must know. This is not just any booth. It is a nexus, a portal to infinite realities. Choose your destination wisely, for the wrong choice could lead to oblivion." Before Elara could question further, the figure vanished, leaving her alone with the humming portal. Her mind raced with possibilities. Could this be a way to undo their mistakes, to find a reality where Nexus hadn't been corrupted, where their friends weren't lost? But the figure's warning echoed in her ears. What did it mean by "infinite realities"? What dangers lurked beyond the booth's door? With a trembling hand, Elara reached for the handle. As her fingers brushed against the cool metal, a kaleidoscope of images flashed before her eyes – a dystopian cityscape, a lush alien jungle, a swirling vortex of pure energy. The weight of the decision pressed down on her. This wasn't just a choice of destination, but a gamble with the very fabric of reality. Taking a deep breath, Elara closed her eyes and stepped inside the booth. The door slammed shut behind her, engulfing her in darkness. A dial tone echoed, long and eerie. Then, silence.

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Golden Egg

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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