3m 38s
golden egg image

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Plunged into darkness, Elara braced for the unknown. The silence within the booth was absolute, broken only by the faint hum of otherworldly energy. Suddenly, a holographic image flickered to life, revealing a familiar face – the cloaked figure from the cave. "Greetings, Elara," the figure's voice resonated, amplified within the confined space. "You have chosen wisely. This booth is not merely a portal, but a bridge between realities. Your destination awaits, but a key is required to unlock its true potential." The figure extended a spectral hand, revealing a small, intricate object – a silver compass engraved with swirling constellations. "This is the Reality Compass. It will guide you through the labyrinthine paths between worlds, but beware, its power is not without consequence." A wave of information flooded Elara's mind. The cloaked figure, she learned, was a Weaver, a being who guarded the balance between realities. The booth was a Nexus Gate, and the compass, imbued with the Weaver's magic, was the key to navigating its complexities. But the figure's final words hung heavy in the air: "The compass draws upon your will, but remember, the deeper you delve, the more the fabric of reality strains." The holographic image faded, leaving Elara alone with the compass, its needle quivering excitedly. A wave of emotions washed over her – fear, excitement, and a renewed sense of purpose. This was their chance, a path to undo the damage, to rewrite the wrongs. With newfound determination, Elara dialed the number the figure had spoken of, each digit resonating with a jolt of power. As the final digit clicked, the booth hummed, the darkness replaced by a blinding white light. The floor beneath her dissolved, and Elara found herself falling, the compass clutched tightly in her hand. She tumbled through a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, realities blurring into one another. Then, with a jarring thud, she landed on hard ground, the light fading to reveal a scene both familiar and alien. Manchester. But not the Manchester she knew. The cobblestone streets were cracked and overgrown, the buildings crumbling testaments to some forgotten catastrophe. People wandered, faces etched with despair, their clothes tattered and worn. In the distance, a colossal clock tower loomed, its hands frozen at a quarter past midnight. Elara's heart hammered against her ribs. This wasn't just any Manchester, it was a dying reality, teetering on the brink of collapse. And amidst the ruins, a faint signal pulsed – the signature of a malfunctioning Nexus core, spewing corrupted energy and distorting reality itself. The compass hummed in her hand, its needle pointing towards the core. This was why she was here. This was her purpose – to find a way to stabilize the core, to mend the broken reality, and hopefully, pave the way back to her own. Armed with the compass and a renewed sense of determination, Elara stepped forward, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. But the clock tower loomed large, a constant reminder of the limited time she had and the immense power she wielded. The fate of two realities, it seemed, rested precariously in the hands of a lone traveler, armed with a compass and a glimmer of hope.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

Not Revealed

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