Everybody Gonna Know

•2m 57s
Everybody Gonna Know
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Everybody Gonna Know


"Everybody Gonna Know" is a lively pop anthem that tells the story of two lovers, Alex and Jamie, who are caught in the thrill of a secret romance. Their love started in whispers and hidden glances, a private affair they tried to keep under wraps. But as their connection deepened, it became harder to conceal their feelings from the world. The song captures the excitement and tension of sneaking around, the stolen moments, and the thrill of loving someone in secret. With infectious beats and playful lyrics, "Everybody Gonna Know" takes listeners on a journey through Alex and Jamie's clandestine love story. Despite their best efforts to hide their relationship, their chemistry is undeniable, and soon the whispers start spreading. The chorus bursts with the realization that their love is too powerful to be contained, and it's only a matter of time before everyone knows. This song is a celebration of love that defies boundaries and expectations, inviting listeners to embrace the joy of a love that can't be hidden. Tune into "Everybody Gonna Know" and feel the exhilarating rush of a romance that shines too brightly to stay in the shadows.

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Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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