I initially went to therapy for anxiety but quickly discovered it was more than just that.
Being present for people has always been a part of my DNA. Growing up in a big family gently trained my heart to be intentional with those I love and just people in general. My grandfather was a kind soul and I always remember him teaching me and my cousins during the summers we spent together to watch out for one another. To protect one another. And to check on one another.
I remember at young age my mother walking by my room, peeking her head in and saying, “Hey son, what are you doing? Are you okay?” And in turn as I got older and matured, I would do the same to her…every so often asking her what she was doing and making sure her heart and mind were settled. And if not, she was very open with me about it.
And so, as the years have gone by, I do my best to echo that gesture to others. My family, my friends, and even some just people I know. Randomly, consistently, and genuinely checking in. However, I’ve also come to learn over the years that not all people have the habit of checking on their friends built into their DNA.
Being the strong friend of my circle and influencer of other friend circles also gives me the reasonability to share and spread that sentiment that we should really take time to check on our friends. Because after spending so much time consistently, intentionally, and genuinely checking in on people…I suddenly realized I needed some of those same people to check on me.
I initially went to therapy for anxiety but quickly discovered I had feelings buried deep beneath my heart that were soon unsurfaced…and inspired me to write this song.
ft. Ro Marsalis
bgvs by NDO
prod by cryptic and gk jules
additional strings by Jasmin Fire