Every Day

••4m 20s
Every Day
golden egg image

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Every Day


Every day is a battle and a struggle whether its mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. This song was created to battle every day struggles and let the people know they are not alone, we are not alone in our battles even if it feels like it. This song takes inspiration from Citizen Cope's "Let The Drummer Kick". I created a simple and easy to remember chorus that's vague enough to insert ones own problems into and identify with. The verses touch on different aspects of the everyday struggle and I almost abruptly ended the song at 4:20 because life is unpredictable like that and because I'm a stoner and Mary always helps. Light one up and relax because its all gonna be okay, we'll all make it to our destination on time and intact. Produced, Written, Recorded, Mixed, Mastered & Visual Art by Jburn, 2023.


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Golden Egg

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Golden Egg

The egg is only revealed after the song sells out. The winner receives a unique 1/1 NFT chosen by the artist.

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Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

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