This track has been inspired by the tree, l'arbre in french.
The whole track is build as an ascension, from the seed to the universe, from the roots to the sky, from the ground to the cosmos, from the human experience to a united consciousness. There are different layers of representation throughout the piece as the physical tree and the cosmic tree are always interwoven. Thus there is a continuous movement between the apparent reality and the surrealistic world.
It has been created in three distinctive parts.
The first (0:00 to 10:40) is an acousmatic piece, starting with the cracking of the seed, and figuring the growing of the tree. It has been composed by a microediting technique of only microphonic sound, mostly wood pieces and branches.
The tree grows towards a forest, and the second part represent the forest itself (10:30 to 20:00). It was again composed by mostly microphonic sound taken from the primal forest of Sarawak on the Island of Borneo.
The sound of the forest is slowed down, and underlined with very specific pure tones (analog sine waves) to create a beating effect between the organic forest and the synthetic analog sounds.
The third part sees the arrival of music instruments, such as piano, vibraphone, guitar and voices. This is the introduction of the next section (L’ARBRE 2) which will later be released later this year as an orchestral piece of a song which can already be heard in a live version here
This third part respresents the journey towards a unified consciousness.