Suit Up

4m 2s
Suit Up
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Suit Up

Short Essay on the song "Suit Up" by Mighty One Man Band The world may not be getting better. At the time of this writing, wars in various regions on the planet are still waged. The global economy is not doing well. You may not have the life that you dream for. What we experience in our 3D, physical reality is the result of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Our collective consciousness also creates the world we live in. You don’t like the current state of our planet? You’re not happy with your own life? What are you gonna do? Does the world need saving? Maybe you need to be a super-hero? Or maybe you have a savior complex? No need to have delusion grandeur but ask yourself this question: WHAT IS YOUR TRUE CALLING? I wondered how could Stan Lee made all those super-hero characters that eventually became legendary in our global, pop cultures. On the other hand, Wim Hof stated that you are stronger than you think you are. The key to life is breathing. The effective methods of breathing improve your strength, stamina, and your overall health. That’s how he can endure extreme cold temperatures with no clothes on. That’s how he became the Ice Man. That’s how he became a super human. Not only Stan Lee or Wim Hof. Alain Robert, known as “the French Spider-Man” or “the Human Spider” have been climbing skyscrapers since his youth and now he's still doing it in his 60s! Bruce Lee revolutionized, globalized, and pushed the envelope in martial arts more than anyone has done in history. Joseph Campbell came up with one of the most profound phrases for humanity: “Follow your bliss”. The grey alien Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) stated that the purpose of life is to follow your highest passion and take that passion to the highest of heights until you can’t take it any further. And of course, in music, I also have my heroes: J.S. Bach, John Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix, Jaco Pastorius, Stewart Copeland, Eddie Van Halen, Michael Jackson, to name a few. And don't forget my non-mainstream music heroes as well: Charlie Hunter, Stanley Jordan, Balawan, Hiromi Uehara and many more. On the other hand, you may also pursue altruism and be like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa, if that is your true calling. All these people have “suited up” to become the best version of themselves. You may think it’s not easy to do the above. To be creative. To find what you love. To be full of passion. To push the boundaries in what you do. To know your purpose in life. To have your own vision. Your own dreams. Your own life. Mind you, I was born and raised in an Asian society where everyone there is taught to be ultra obedient and super pragmatic. I’m aware that obedience and pragmatism also exist in the West (I partially grew up in the US) but in Asia it’s on another level. Parents and elders command us to be safe, practical, to be in-the-box and to do do our best to be accepted by society. There is not much room for individuality, creativity or freedom for personal expression. You’ve probably met many Asians who are good in mathematics but no so many of them in the creative arts? This is one of the results of that kind of upbringing. There are exceptions though. I’m one of those exceptions 😃. I’m that weirdo whom my Asian society don’t understand 😆. So this is what happened: In my teen years I read a book called “Lateral Thinking” by Edward de Bono. It changed my life. It inspired me to think out-of-the box. It was one of the seeds that propelled the narrative of me eventually becoming the Mighty One Man Band. Furthermore and still related to the topic, there are knowledge and practices out there that not too many people know. Life hacks that can boost your energy and strength at any time of the day. I too use these techniques to suit up as the Mighty One Man Band. This practice has been given many names - Chakra Activation Breathing is one of the most common one. It is an esoteric practice that has been around for thousands of years handed down from the ancient yogis such as UJetsun Milarepa (c. 1052 - c. 1135 CE) to the contemporary practitioners such as José Silva and Dr. Joe Dispenza. How do you think I’m able to perform and rock out as the Mighty One Man Band for 2+ hours on stage every time? During the first year of my one-man-band practice, my big brother was one of the few who witness the grind that I put myself in. He told me that I practiced like an olympic athlete. And I still do to this day. I’ve done my 10,000 hours. And more. Sacrifices were made, and again, they still are to this day. And most importantly, I do this all out of love. When you love something, it’s not easy to explain it. The rush of love energy somehow bypasses the thinking & analytical brain and go straight to the heart as it empowers the heart chakra with infinite light and infinite love. For me, there’s never been a bigger purpose than suiting up as the Mighty One Man Band. This is my way of “saving the world”. This is the way I “Suit Up”. HOW ABOUT YOU?

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