•1m 9s
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Misophonia is a disorder characterized by a decreased tolerance to specific sounds. These sounds, called triggers, can be common everyday sounds that don't bother most people. But for people with misophonia, these triggers can cause intense negative reactions, such as anger, anxiety, and even panic attacks. Common triggers of misophonia include: Chewing Slurping Sniffling Breathing Pen clicking Tapping The exact cause of misophonia is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of neurological and psychological factors. There is no cure for misophonia, but there are treatments that can help people manage their symptoms. These treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and sound therapy. If you think you might have misophonia, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options. Resources: Behaviorist & Misophonia Expert with the President of the Misophonia Institute Tom Dozier on my podcast: She's All Over the Place Podcast.... here is the link source: gemini AI music: ableton artwork by: orvz 1 - x @cryptokillah ig @orvz1 resin, neon oil, acrylic paint, and metallic pigment subject: saint kyriaki day 27 - mental health awareness month 2024

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

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