Brothers Talk Demo



••4m 26s
Brothers Talk Demo
golden egg image

Frankie Styles

Edition #16

Brothers Talk Demo


I started working on a project called OG Cool (Only Good Comes Out Of Living) in the fall of 2013 with one of my best friends, super-producer, Nash B. During that period of time we recorded 30-40 songs towards what I thought would be the final album. The summer of the following year I lost the only hard-drive that had every session file/track-out and bounce for my entire catalog of unreleased music (1200+ songs/production/demos) to that point, (OG Cool included). A few years ago I began to recover some of the music from that hard-drive (Thank God for clouds and email accounts lol) One of my favorites from those album sessions (and closest to me) is a song called "Brothers Talk". Growing up in the states as a child to an immigrant family, I grew used to not having a lot of blood-related family around me. It was always just me and my little brothers. This upbringing conditioned me to value the people closest to me as family and not just friends. "Brothers Talk" was a chance for me to hold a conversation with two close friends (that have always been brothers to me) during their times of need. One friend lost a father and the other lost his way. I originally intended on placing this on the album but for now this is a just a marker for major moments in time. This is the last bounce I did after I originally recorded the record at my home studio. Much love to the good homie, Myles Stefan for the amazing guitar solo at the end and my lil bro Nash B for supporting me getting back to my production (I made this beat). This song is in honor of my blood brothers Chris and Thorence (Long Live Baby Thor). I consider the people who care enough to listen to and support my music my family. As I work on my album (among a million projects lol) and we continue to build up this VibeHaus family, I wanted to offer this song as an invitation to join the Tribe. This is me, no final mix, just soul & love. I appreciate you for walking on this journey with me. The way is just a little bit longer but we're almost there. Engineered By Scolla Fungwe Produced By Scolla Fungwe Artwork By Scolla Fungwe Guitar Solo By Myles Stefan Bassline By Nash B


Golden Egg

The egg is only revealed after the song sells out. The winner receives a unique 1/1 NFT chosen by the artist.


Frankie Styles

Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

Comment Wall

Make a public comment on the song. Prove you were a supporter from way back in the day. Sell your NFT, and your comment is replaceable by the new owner.

Golden Egg Winner

The recipient of the Golden Egg Winner will receive a credit as one of the executive producers on my next full-length album project and will be on the board to help in the decision making for the tracklist and roll out. more

HausKey Private Telegram

I created a private telegram group for all of my collectors to create a closer. knit community. I will be dropping exclusives as well as insight into my day to day from playlists I create with what I'm listening to, to a book club and more.l more


Golden Egg

The egg is only revealed after the song sells out. The winner receives a unique 1/1 NFT chosen by the artist.


Frankie Styles

Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

Comment Wall

Make a public comment on the song. Prove you were a supporter from way back in the day. Sell your NFT, and your comment is replaceable by the new owner.

Golden Egg Winner

The recipient of the Golden Egg Winner will receive a credit as one of the executive producers on my next full-length album project and will be on the board to help in the decision making for the tracklist and roll out.

HausKey Private Telegram

I created a private telegram group for all of my collectors to create a closer. knit community. I will be dropping exclusives as well as insight into my day to day from playlists I create with what I'm listening to, to a book club and more.l