Back in December, I spent 5 days in Joshua Tree making music in an airbnb with my 2 favorite producers /best friends Blake Burchette & Tate Gardner. We flew from Nashville with minimal gear, but of course had to bring the Moog Grandmother. Our friend Ben Soto and photographer/videographer met us there for what turned to be such a special, spiritual bonding and creative trip, us four on a Cowboy Christmas in the desert.
"Telephone" was written on our last night in such an interesting way. The whole song was essentially built around random object percussion. I have to shout out Tiny Tamb (the tiny tambourine decor in the airbnb) for really carrying the song. I'll never forget him. But for real, writing this song felt extremely experimental and unique to the room and environment we were in at that moment. It really summed up the trip in a way that I don't think any of us expected.
This song is about nostalgia. Writing it brought feelings and flashbacks of all those crazy little memories that make up what it feels like to truly live. To be free and young at heart. Nostalgia is familiar, but the feeling's also distant. Whether it's falling in love, bonfires at the beach on a Friday night, or driving around my childhood town, I am reminded of the duality of reminiscing.
Blast it!
Performed by TAROT
Writer: Jordyn Benedict
Producer: Blake Burchette & Tate Gardner
Mixing Engineer: Nic Laz
Mastering Engineer: Gentry Studer
Cover Art: John Liwag