Cream Dragon

2m 6s
Cream Dragon
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Cream Dragon


Lyric translation: I'm great at slipping punches when training boxing because I have a sixth sense. I'm hard to understand because I have so many layers and personalities. I love playing oldies like Stephanie Mills' "Feel The Fire". It charges me up, and a part of me—the go-getter part—has to take over me for the sake of all other parts—those parts are shy about being an artist, even though everything I've done has been pretty dang good, even with minimal focus and time due to working with clients as a producer and engineer. I'm a little quirky, but people sometimes try to call me crazy because they simply don't understand. I had to change my environment because the "apes" around me were driving me crazy. I pay attention to how things work and "the game". I also listen to nature as my teacher, but when I'm hurting, I have to remove myself from that situation. Ultimately, I'm great at self-soothing, telling myself it's ok, and re-centering myself in time to reorient towards what I truly prefer and like.

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