•3m 12s
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Driven by an insatiable wanderlust, Sol embarks on a voyage beyond the charted seas. He leaves behind the comfort of his fishing village, fueled by stories whispered by the waves and the call of unseen horizons. Guided by Zephyr's playful nudges and Kai's captivating tales, Sol encounters wondrous sights and treacherous storms. He navigates treacherous reefs guarded by siren songs, befriends curious dolphins who whisper the ocean's language, and outsmarts cunning pirates fueled by greed. Each encounter teaches him not just about the perils of the sea, but also about the depths of his own courage and humanity. One day, a monstrous storm throws Sol's ship off course, leading him to an uncharted island shrouded in mist. There, he meets the Whisperer, a kraken rumored to be as old as the ocean itself. Sol learns that the kraken protects the balance between land and sea, its song keeping the waves calm and the tides steady. However, a dark force is rising, an industrialist known as the Iron Captain who seeks to exploit the ocean's resources for his own gain. His actions disrupt the harmony, causing storms and endangering the delicate ecosystem. The Whisperer, weakened, can no longer maintain the balance. Knowing the truth, Sol realizes it's not just about his own journey, but about protecting the ocean he's come to love. Guided by Kai's wisdom and Zephyr's winds, he rallies the sea creatures he's befriended along the way. Dolphins lead him to underwater cities, whales carry his message to distant shores, and even the mischievous imps of the coral reefs join the fight. In a breathtaking climax, Sol and his unlikely allies confront the Iron Captain's fleet. Using his knowledge of the sea and the bond he's forged with its creatures, Sol disrupts the Iron Captain's plans and restores the ocean's balance. The Whisperer's song resonates once more, calming the waves and reminding everyone of the sea's power and fragility.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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